Gold River PowWow – September 8th, 9th & 10th

Description of what to expect:
“Sept. 8-10 Acadia First Nation will host their annual pow wow, there will be lots of dancers, big drums, vendors and food.  The three day celebration will show our Mi’kmaq culture and traditions as we pass them down to our young people. Our three day pow wow will begin Friday night and end on Sunday afternoon. Lots of dancers and drums as well as vendors selling traditional crafts and lots of food. A canteen will be open throughout the event. Grand entry is both Saturday and Sunday at 1 o’clock.Hand  drum competition. It’s a  fun filled weekend for all ages so come out and join us and bring your lawn chairs”

BEECH HILL ROAD, MAWIOMI GROUNDS, Western Shore, B0J 1K0, South Shore
T: 902-742-0257

I hope that folks find some time over those three day to share in the culture.