Privacy Statement

The Southshore Regional Centre for Education maintains its website to provide members of the public with up-to-date information about its schools, programs, services, and operations. Responsibility for the website rests with the centre's Communications Department.

The SSRCE is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to this website. When you visit this site you do so anonymously. Private information such as your name, phone number or e-mail address, is only obtained where it is voluntarily submitted via e-mail or an online form.

Any personal information you do provide is handled according to the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. At the point of collection, you will be told the purpose for collecting the information, how it will be used and who will have access to it, and who to contact should you have any questions about these practices.

Personal information that is voluntarily submitted through e-mail will only be collected to respond to you. The content of e-mails will only be shared with appropriate departments in an effort to provide you with a thorough response.

When you visit this site, our Web server automatically collects a small amount of standard information that is used to optimize the operation and evaluation of the website. This information includes the page from which you arrived, the date and time of your page request, the IP (Internet Protocol) address your computer is using to receive information, your browser type, and the name and nature of the file you requested.

The collection of this information helps the SSRCE maintain its site and provide you with relevant information in a timely and efficient manner. This information is collected in accordance with section 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


A cookie is a small piece of information that is sent to your browser when you access a website. Your browser will return this cookie information to the domain where the cookie originated.

Like most sites today, this website uses a cookie to track visitors use of the site and to aid in your use of the site. This cookie only serves to help us group the above statistics from your separate visits to our site.

Your browser's "Help" section should contain instructions for deleting cookies from your computer should you wish to do so.

Links to other sites

This website contains links to websites for SSRCE schools along with numerous links to sources of information outside the SSRCE. These links are provided to give the user access to beneficial information.

The SSRCE does not take responsibility for the content of sites linked to its website