OH&S: What to do When…

Find more information for situations such as:  workplace accidents, indoor air quality concerns, ergonomic concerns, training needs, reporting health and safety concerns, work refusals, Department of Labour OH&S Officer visits, health and safety concerns with contracted services, and other questions.

What to do When:

A Health and Safety Incident happens?

Reporting Procedures: Describes the complete reporting procedures for all employees


Incident Investigation: Use for all incidents that result, or have the potential to result, in medical attention or time lost from work for an employee

VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE INCIDENT REPORT FORM 2024 Use for an incident associated with violence in the workplace

WCB Injury Report: Use for non-teaching employees for incidents that result in medical attention or time lost from work for an employee

Injury on Duty Application Form: Use for teaching employees for incidents that result in time lost from work for an employee. All teachers are requested to complete this form if injured at work. This report will serve as a record of incident and may serve as background information if an application for “Leave for Injury on Duty” is made in compliance with Article 26 of the Teachers’ Provincial Agreement.

SIP: Use School Insurance Program online reporting for all student incidents.

There is an OH complaint or concern? School Board Complaint Procedure

There is a concern with Indoor Air Quality? Indoor Air Quality Investigation Procedure

There is an OH Work refusal? Procedure for Work Refusals

When Department of Labour OHS Officer visits? Department of Labour Inspections, Orders/Directives Procedure

There are OHS concerns with a contractor? Contractor Safety

Other questions, please contact:
Gail Sinclair, Health & Safety Manager
Phone: 902-521-0241
Email: gsinclair@ssrce.ca