SchoolsPlus, in collaboration with various community partners, are undergoing the development of a presentation series that will span 1 full year, bringing guest speakers to a virtual platform bi-weekly to share key messages with parents about a variety of topics. The topics are based on common issues and challenges identified in the communities we work in, covering Lunenburg and Queens counties.
We are reaching out to service providers and professionals who have expertise in the subject areas identified to support this initiative by providing a presentation up to 1 hour in length on the subject matter, providing insight on the topic and having half an hour of interactive discussion/Q&A following the presentation.
The purpose of the presentation series is provide parents and community members with relevant, accurate information and to provide this information to as many people as we can reach at once. The presentation series will be advertised widely, primarily targeting parents of school-aged children. The presentations will take place in the evenings from 6:30 to 8 pm via zoom and will be facilitated by a SchoolsPlus staff.
Upcoming webinars:
March 23, 2022 6:30 – 8:00 PM Mindfulness & Bed time Presented by Shannon Squarey & Rachel Lathrop, School Psychologists
March 9, 2022 6:30 – 8:00 PM Calming Strategies for Teens Presented by Daisy Coleman, RSW
Connecting to the webinar
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Passcode: D714xs
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