Goal 1: To demonstrate continuous improvement in instruction and student achievement
- Measure 1: To increase the percentage of students by cohort compared to provincial averages that are meeting or exceeding expected learning outcomes in Provincial Literacy and Math Assessments. (Note: to compare cohort data we need to factor in the provincial cohort average variance when determining success)
- Measure 2: South Shore Regional School Board (SSRSB) teachers will indicate a continuous improvement in their instructional practices as indicated through qualitative data from annual teacher surveys related to the effectiveness of their collaborative learning team.
- Measure 3: SSRSB self-identified African Nova Scotian and First Nations/Aboriginal students will show increased achievement levels from report cards in the Math “Number” strand and all Language Arts strands (Grades 1-8) and numerical marks (grades 9-10).
- Measure 4: SSRSB Students in grades 7-12 will indicate through Tell Them From Me (TTFM) surveys that they are intellectually engaged in their learning at a rate of 5% above the National Average.
Goal 2: To remove barriers for a safe and healthy environment
- Measure 1: Student Survey respondents in Tell Them From Me (TTFM) will indicate a positive response in the bullying and school safety report on measures above the national average.
- Measure 2: The percentage of students being reported for severely disruptive behavior will decrease (Use 2013-14 as a baseline).
- Measure 3: The number of schools offering the Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS) program will increase.
- Measure 4: A long Range Facility Plan is in place to ensure efficiencies.
Goal 3: Promote and strengthen partnerships and community engagement
- Measure 1: SSRSB will create new external partnerships and expand on current partnerships
- Measure 2: There will be an increase in the number of meetings between governing Board and school community members excluding the school review process.
- Measure 3: The community will report an increased awareness of public education as indicated through the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Parent Survey.
- Measure 4: There will be an increase in positive media coverage of school and regional initiatives at the local level.