

In August, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education reinstated the Student Attendance and Engagement Policy. The Student Attendance and Engagement Policy “aims to identify and address absenteeism before it becomes a problem for students through early and targeted interventions”. The targeted interventions fall into four categories; universal/prevention strategies, increasing connections, early intervention responses, and targeted interventions. In grades 10-12, loss of credit may occur if “strong efforts have been made to improve the student’s attendance, but no improvement has been demonstrated by the student.” To support the reinstatement of the policy, the SSRCE created an attendance lead team to support schools and families with attendance concerns. 


Carol Hughes (Consultant for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion),  Shannon Vincent (Lead SchoolsPlus Facilitator), Alex Coley (Youth Engagement Coordinator ), Amanda Thornhill-Allen (Student Information Systems Teacher Leader), Meg Sawler (Youth Pathways Consultant), Beth Woodford-Collins (Programs, Assessment & SSP), Elizabeth Burridge (Student Services Consultant).

Our Goals

  • Develop Tier 1 strategies to support attendance and student engagement within SSRCE.
  • Track data to determine success and where more support is needed.
  • Work with community partners to develop support for families struggling to get their child(ren) to school.
  • Support Schools with programming to improve attendance using the Program Planning Process. 

Parent Information

Did you know? 

  • Missing two days a month means missing 20 days a year! 
  • By grade 12 this means an entire year of school has been missed!
  • Only 17% of students considered chronically absent (missing 2 days a week) in Primary and 1st grade are reading proficiently in the 3rd grade, compared to 64% of those students with good attendance.
  • By 6th grade chronic absenteeism is a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
  • Absences can be a sign that your teen is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, or facing challenging issues.
  • School attendance is a predictor of life success, including keeping a job and graduating from college!

What Can You Do:

  • Make school attendance a priority
    • Help your child set up and maintain daily routines such as getting a good night’s rest, completing homework, & getting clothes, lunches & backpacks ready the night before.
    • Talk to your child about the importance of showing up to school daily, and on time.
    • Avoid appointments (if possible) during school hours.
  • Communicate with the School
    • Update your contact information with the school.
    • Let the school know if your child is going to be absent
    • Make a plan to get and complete missed work

If you need support with attendance or you have any questions please contact:

Elizabeth Burridge

Student Services Consultant 

Phone: 902-930-1756



Student Attendance & Engagement Policy (English-updated 2023)

Student Attendance & Engagement Policy (French-updated 2023)

Student Attendance and Engagement Operational Guide (Updated – Jan. 2024)

P & I Release – Student Attendance and Engagement Policy (English-updated Aug. 2023)

P & I Release – Student Attendance and Engagement Policy (French-updated Aug. 2023)