Classroom Caps Report

2023-2024 Class Cap Compliance Report

2022-2023 Class Cap Compliance Report

2021-2022 Class Cap Compliance Report

2020-2021 Class Cap Compliance Report

Classroom Caps refer to the maximum number of students enrolled in a classroom. They are provincially mandated.

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Class Cap Guidelines

  • “Soft cap” is defined as the stated cap (i.e. P-2=20, Gr 3-6=25, Gr 7-9=28 and Gr 10-12=30)
  • “Hard cap” is defined as the stated cap +2 students
Class Size Guidelines
  1. Classes for Grades Primary to 2 are capped at 20 students (soft cap), up to 22 students (hard cap). Creating combined classes or multi-age groupings are appropriate to meet this cap.
  2. Classes for Grades 3 to 6 are capped at 25 students (soft cap), up to 27 students (hard cap). Creating combined classes or multi-age groupings are appropriate to meet this cap.
  3. Classes for Grades 7 to 9 are capped at 28 students (soft cap), up to 30 students (hard cap). Creating combined classes may be appropriate to meet this cap.
  4. Classes for Grades 10 to 12 are capped at 30 students (soft cap), up to 32 students (hard cap). Creating combined classes may be appropriate.
  5. Combined classes have multiple grade levels in one room. The cap for a combined class shall be the cap for the lowest grade level.
  6. Class caps are applicable to all classes, at the applicable level, in all school boards.
  7. A class may exceed the hard cap in the following circumstances:
    • School Capacity–When, in order to meet the class size cap, the creation of an additional class or classes is necessary and the school does not have the space to accommodate the additional class(es), the class cap shall not apply.
    • Exceptional Circumstances–The class size cap can be exceeded in exceptional circumstances in order to accommodate issues of class configuration or class composition.

If parents/guardians have questions about class sizes at any grade, please contact the school principal.