Back road closure plans are in place today, Monday, Feb. 24, for both Lunenburg and Queens counties.

Judicial Review Update


Judicial Review Decision

Bridgewater, NS – Justice Mona Lynch has dismissed the Town of Bridgewater’s application for Judicial Review of the South Shore Regional School Board’s (SSRSB) decision to move students in grades 10 to 12 from Bridgewater Junior Senior High School (BJSHS) to Park View Education Centre (PVEC).

“It has always been the view of the board that the school review process was followed both practically and in the spirit of transparency and collaboration with the community. The decision of Justice Lynch confirmed this. The board will continue to move forward in a fair and transparent way,” stated Board Chair, Elliott Payzant.

During the process leading up to the decision of the SSRSB to consolidate BJSHS grades 10 to 12 students with PVEC grades 10 to 12 students, citizens of the town and representatives of the town had opportunities to voice their concerns to the SSRSB.  The SSRSB heard the concerns and made their decision following consideration of all information presented.

Justice Lynch stated in her decision that, “The SSRSB did not breach the duty of fairness owed to the town or the citizens of the town.  The SSRSB made a decision that was within their mandate and power to make, they made it in a fair and transparent process and it was within the range of possible acceptable outcomes.”

“The governing board members and staff are looking forward to continuing their work together with parents, community members and elected officials.  The Transition Team will continue their work with school staff at BJSHS and PVEC, leading to the successful transition of students for September 2017,” stated Superintendent, Scott Milner.

For more information contact:
Scott Milner, Superintendent of Schools
Tel. 902-541-3002