Dear parents/guardians,
At the SSRSB’s Dec. 13 regular board meeting, elected board members will be considering a motion to move both grades 5 and 6 from Bridgewater Elementary School to Bridgewater Junior High School starting September 2018, rather than only the grade 6 class with the grade 5 class to possibly follow after a catchment area review. The school advisory councils for both schools support this motion as it would see one transition rather than two. This configuration would reduce the serious overcrowding at the elementary school and better balance the number of students in each school. This would allow for better use of each facility and improve the learning environment for students. Information has previously been sent to you and posted on the SSRSB website.
Please contact an SSRSB board member if you have any questions or would like further information. We appreciate your feedback on this matter.
Scott Milner
Superintendent, South Shore Regional School Board
69 Wentzell Drive
Bridgewater, NS
B4V 0A2