Board Chair Naugler read the Canadian School Counselling Week Proclamation, proclaiming February 1st to the 5th as Canadian School Counselling Week. Canadian School Counselling Week is a week to recognize the contributions of the School Counselling Profession to the personal, social, academic and career development, and the mental health and wellbeing, of all students in Canada.

This article is from the Winter 2016 issue of COGNICA – 2016 Canadian School Counselling Week: Recognizing the Contributions of the School Counselling Profession (page 8)
Meet the Guidance Counsellors of the South Shore Regional School Board
Marc Breaugh is the school counsellor at Bayview Community School. His website is designed to provide information and resources to assist you whether you are a counsellor, parent/guardian, or student. You can also follow Marc on Twitter: @marcbreaugh
Kristy Boutilier is the school counsellor at Petite Riviere Elementary School. The PRES Guidance Corner has tips for parents on the recommended amount of sleep needed for well rested children as well as some links to help overcome sleep disorders.
Charlotte Brooks and Terra Lee Kelly are the school counsellors at Park View Education Centre. Their Counselling Centre page covers so much information I can’t even begin to list … you will have to check it out for yourself! PVEC Counselling Centre
Sonya Cook is the school counsellor at South Queens Middle School.
Carol Hilchey is the school counsellor at Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School.
Debra Hofrichter and Sarah Jenson are the school counsellors at Forest Heights Community School. Information on scholarships, bursaries and programs of interest can be found within the many newsletter links found on the Guidance webpage:
Belinda Josephson is the school counsellor at Bridgewater Elementary School. Her website contains helpful information for students and parents regarding Internet Safety, Cyberbullying and so much more!
Bernadine Elliott is the school counsellor for Bluenose Academy. Her website contains information for students and parents on a variety of topics. Check out the Guidance News section so you can read the Guidance Corner Snippets that is published on a monthly basis. Bernadine will be joining in the celebration to promote School Counselling Week. She will be visiting classrooms to raise awareness about the Comprehensive Guidance Counselling program at Bluenose Academy and looks forward to conversing with students and teachers during these visits. School announcements and posters will highlight how school counsellors can help promote student growth.
Ann Lamb is the school counsellor at North Queens Community School.
Jackie Leonard is the school counsellor at Liverpool Regional High School. Jackie’s website contains important information such as graduation requirements; career information and scholarship/bursary information.
Julie Lohnes is the school counsellor at Bridgewater Junior Senior High School. The BJSHS Weebly contains an abundance of information! Check it out:
Sheri MacKinnon is the school counsellor at Chester Area Middle School.
Katrina Stringer is the school counsellor at New Germany Rural High School. To appreciate her guidance webpage you really have to see it for yourself.
Jill Vandertoorn is the school counsellor at Newcombville Elementary School. The Guidance webpage for NES contains links to important Kids Health information.
Martine Wade is the school counsellor at Hebbville Academy. Have a look at HA’s Guidance Brochure!
Pat Wentzell is the guidance counsellor for Pentz , West Northfield, and New Germany Elementary Schools. Check out her website for information on topics about children’s emotional and mental health and development. Topics range from anger, anxiety and parenting to study skills – to name just a few!
Michael Worthylake is the school counsellor at Dr. J.C. Wickwire Academy. Behaviour and health of children are the two main themes you will find under the Guidance tab at