Starting Jan. 3, 2018, the busing system for Riverport area students who attend Park View Education Centre (PVEC) and Bluenose Academy (BA) will be changed from a combined BA/PVEC busing system to a dedicated run for each school. This change is being done in response to discussions with parents and the SSRSB’s commitment to review the length of time PVEC students in this area spend on the bus. With the change, PVEC students will get on the bus later in the morning and will spend less time on the bus.
Currently, the earliest PVEC student in Riverport is getting on the bus at 7:22 a.m. arriving at school at 9:00 a.m., due to the fact that the bus has to meet up with a BA bus in Riverport to transfer students. With a dedicated bus for each school, the earliest pick up for PVEC students will be 8:27 a.m. to arrive at school at 9:18. PVEC students living in the Riverport area will have up to an hour later bus pick up time while being on the bus for much less time.
BA students will not see an increase in their travel time.
Please see this letter to parents from the SSRSB Transportation Department for detailed pick up times.