The SchoolsPlus RCMP Summer Day Camp runs for four sessions this summer. With our partners from RCMP, we offer a morning of safety activities, design, hobby interests, and physical activity, coupled with nutrition breaks. We welcome our colleague, Sheila Porter, from RCH who kindly volunteered guest sessions. Constable Angela MacEachern, RCMP; Dave Brennan, SchoolsPlus Community Outreach Worker; Sheila Porter, Student Support Services, RCH; and Shirley Burris, SchoolsPlus Facilitator coordinate the camp and manage the activities.
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- Constable Angela MacEachern RCMP, and some youths are waiting for the other teams to finish in a rousing game of Washer Toss. We found there were different rules depending on whether seasoned players were from CB, Mainland NS, or Newfoundland. Constable MacEachern came prepared to offer some safety activities as well. (THANKS!)
- Constable Angela MacEachern RCMP encourages a boy who loves to run – and perhaps will sign up for track in the coming school year.
- Dave Brennan, SchoolsPlus Community Outreach Worker, shows a youth how to safely use chisel implements to carve the bowl he wishes to make.
- Sheila Porter, Student Support Worker, RCH, teaches Constable MacEachern and youth how to do beading work. We talked about the calming effect that the beading has. (THANKS Sheila!)
- A youth is bringing the bike back from a run. Next session, more bike!
Dave and Shirley would like to thank Sheila, Angela, and RCMP supports for making this camp possible, and for donating their time, materials, food, and attention. The efforts are greatly appreciated.