Sod turning for South Queens Middle School

Sod Turned for South Queens Middle School

Premier’s Office News Release

Students in the Liverpool area are closer to enjoying the benefits of an innovative new school designed to support learning and skill development that will help them succeed in high school and beyond.

Premier Darrell Dexter joined MLA Vicki Conrad and Grade 7 student Shanyn Whynot to turn the first sod today, Oct. 17, for the new South Queens Middle School, the first in the province designed to support project-based learning. It keeps students motivated, promotes teamwork and problem-solving, and helps them connect what they are learning with the world around them.

“I have heard from families about how important the school is to them and their children,” said Premier Dexter. “So often you hear about schools being the heart of communities. That is very much the case here in Liverpool. Not only will this new building enhance student learning, it will help to maintain a healthy and vibrant community.

“The fact that students helped with the design makes the school that much more special. I think I represent everyone in the community when I say that is great to see the benefits of the students’ hard work starting to take shape.”

The focal point of the school is a library, with classrooms built around it to allow students to work collaboratively on projects with resources nearby.

“This school is going to be awesome for generations to come and will put smiles on the faces of many people,” said Ms. Whynot. “The old building has so many memories and I can’t wait to make new ones in South Queens Middle School.”

The leading-edge design has resource areas such as family studies, technology innovation, visual arts and a multipurpose science lab where students can move easily between work areas to complete a broad range of projects.

“This will allow students to engage in project-based learning where they can ask questions, investigate and draw conclusions as they develop important skills such as teamwork and problem solving,” said Warren Dobson, a teacher at South Queens Junior High.

“They are getting more learning opportunities in a school that provides traditional classrooms and flexible common spaces.”

The province is investing more than $16 million in the South Queens school construction. The new building is scheduled to open in September 2013.

“The students, staff families and communities of South Queens have rallied together to support the construction of a new middle school,” said Nancy Pynch-Worthylake, superintendent, South Shore Regional School Board.

South Queens Junior High School has about 300 students in grades 7 to 9. The new middle school will be for grades 6 to 8, with Grade 9 students going to Liverpool Regional High School.