Back road closure plans are in place today, Monday, Feb. 24, for both Lunenburg and Queens counties.

Update on June Assessments

There have been questions around what the end of year assessments will look like now that school is back to in-person learning. Final assessments will remain the same as communicated to students in May (when students were learning from home). Provincial exams will not be administered this June. However, students in these courses will have final assessments as designed by their classroom teachers.

The questions below answer some common questions. If you have any additional questions about your final June high school assessments, please speak to your teacher. All the best for a strong end to your school year.

High School Assessment Questions

Returning to school at this time will provide high school students with the opportunity to get additional support, make connections, study, and work with others in person as the school year comes to an end. No assignments, work or assessments will change because you are back in school.

When are high school summative assessments?

• Assessments are scheduled the week of June 14th with some Nova Scotia Virtual School assessments taking place on June 10. With students going back to school across the province this week this means that students will be able to connect in person with teachers and other support staff for assistance prior to final assessments.

Will high school summative assessments look different now that students are attending school in person?

• These final assessments will remain the same as communicated to students in May when students were learning from home.

• It is important that what was communicated to students regarding type, weight, and timing of the final assessment stays in place.

What if a student has a vaccination appointment booked during my summative assessment?

• The student should not cancel the appointment, student should contact the teacher who will record this in the PowerSchool note section for others in the school to also be aware and alternate arrangements will be made for the final assessment.

Should students still book vaccination appointments?

• Where possible, students should schedule vaccination appointments to avoid conflict with final assessments. If this is not possible, the student should contact the teacher who will record this in the PowerSchool note section for others in the school to also be aware and alternate arrangements will be made for the final assessment.

What if students are sick during final assessments?

• Students should not go to school if they are sick, alternate arrangements should be made with the teacher and the school.

My summative assessment was designed to be done in an online environment; can it stay in this format?

• Teachers will determine based on their professional judgement how students will complete the final assessment. Note that it is expected that the final assessment will not change with a return to school buildings.

• For those assessments that are designed for an online environment, that does not need to change as students return to school. It is important to note that students can benefit from being with their teachers and other support staff during assessments.

Are there any provincial assessments in June?

• The NSE English 10, Mathematics 10, and Français 10 exams will not be administered this June. However, students in these courses will have final assessments as designed by their classroom teachers.