Back road closure plans are in place today, Monday, Feb. 24, for both Lunenburg and Queens counties.

April/May Regional Update

Dear school community,

As you likely know, we’ve recently had our first COVID-19 cases within SSRCE schools. When there is a case of COVID-19 linked to one of our schools, we take our direction from Public Health. The school receives a deep cleaning and Public Health works to identify and communicate with close contacts.

I understand this is an anxious time and I want to assure you that our schools and other workspaces are safe. We continue to work closely with Public Health and comply with all COVID-19 protocols.

We’ve now shifted to at-home learning. We’ve been preparing for this possibility since the beginning of the school year and I am confident in the processes we’ve developed for at-home learning. Our ongoing success depends on students, parents/guardians and staff continuing to work together.

I invite you to review our monthly report and learn how our staff and students are learning and teaching from home. The attached April/May report also shares a number of resources available to families during at-home learning, as well as a feature story on the 40th anniversary of Parkview Education Centre’s IB Program.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to navigate these challenging times.

Stay safe,

Paul Ash

SSRCE Regional Executive Director

cover of the newsletter

April/May SSRCE Update