Family Update January 27, 2022

Dear parents/guardians,

We have a couple updates to share with you related to work for absent students and rapid test kits.

Before we get into this important information, I’d like to recognize the tremendous work of our staff, students, and families over these last couple of weeks. Even during challenging times, you’ve come together and shown once again your commitment to our students. I sincerely thank you for your ongoing dedication.

Work for Absent Students
We know that some students need to stay home, either for illness or other reasons.  If a student has been absent, they will have access to the work being done in-class. Teachers will provide missed classroom and work assignments. If teachers are using digital (e.g. Google Classroom) or print materials in-class, those materials will be made available to students who were absent. Teachers are not expected to provide in-person and online learning at the same time. For more information, contact your school.

Rapid Test Kits

As we shared last week, rapid test kits are being distributed to students and staff. Nova Scotia Public Health updated their instructions for rapid kits and now recommends swabbing both the throat and nostril.

Nova Scotia researchers have determined that collecting samples from both the throat and nose provides a more accurate rapid test result than a nose swab alone, which is the instruction provided by the manufacturer.

An updated instruction sheet has been printed and either included with the kits or has been emailed to families. Please note, kits may have two sets of instructions, and families are encouraged to refer to this new advice.

Given the potential for ongoing COVID-19 exposures in schools, students and staff may choose to test up to twice per week regardless of symptoms. Test kits will be replenished on a regular basis as supply allows.

All the best,

Paul Ash

SSRCE Regional Executive Director