This is the time of year where the second term Elementary Report Cards are distributed. As we continue to transition out of the recent labour dispute between the Government of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, student reports may be impacted. The possible impact will vary from school-to-school. As parents / guardians are aware, the report card contains a section where the teacher is able to provide a comment related to student progress. For this report, the comment section may be less comprehensive than in the past. Teachers are using their reasonable, professional judgement with respect to progress comments and are doing their very best to provide progress information but are experiencing a time pressure to complete this set of reports. As a parent / guardian, you should expect to see a comment, albeit abbreviated in some instances. Additionally, due to data input backlog, the student attendance record for this portion of the school year may be incomplete. Year-end reports for all students will be fully complete. We appreciate your patience through this transition. If you have questions about any aspect of the report card, please contact your child’s teacher.