Interoception Presentation with Kelly Mahler

Interoception Presentation with Kelly Mahler at Hebbville Academy
Monday, May 1, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Hebbville Academy
Interoception is an extremely important sensory system that helps us to ‘feel’ the internal signals within our body. For example, the interoceptive system helps us feel internal states including: hunger, thirst, needing the bathroom, pain, body temperature, heart rate and muscle tension. Additionally, interoception is a key component to our emotional experience. Research indicates that interoception, or our ability to clearly sense body signals, like an increase in heart rate or tingly stomach, enables us to accurately identify, understand and control our emotions.
This presentation will provide teachers, therapists, TAs, and parents a firm understanding of interoception including an overview of what research tells us about interoception, and how to apply this research when developing programming for individuals with ASD, complex needs, and related disorders. Discussion will focus on the link between interoception and many important skill areas including health & wellness, emotion regulation, self-awareness, perspective taking, and flexibility of thought. Many practical, evidence-based strategies for assessing and improving interoception will be shared.
If you would like to attend, then please register with Diana Knock or fax the form to 902-541-3049.
Partnership with SSRSB, Autism Nova Scotia South Shore Chapter, and SEIU PD Committee