News & Events


This week marks the beginning of Asian Heritage Month. In 2002, the Canadian government signed an official declaration to appoint May as Asian Heritage Month. It’s a time reflect on the history, celebrate the many contributions and achievements, and listen to the lived experiences of Canadians of Asian descent. The theme for Asian Heritage Month […]

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Additional COVID-19 School Cases

Public Health has confirmed two additional exposures at SSRCE schools. New Germany Rural High School In addition to the case announced earlier today, Public Health has confirmed another case of COVID-19 connected to New Germany Rural High School. Public Health is again working to identify any students and staff who may have been in close […]

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Confirmed Case of COVID-19 at NGRHS

Public Health has confirmed that a person connected to New Germany Rural High School has tested positive for COVID-19.  Access the Public Health notification letter here.  The school and the region are working closely with Public Health. If your child is identified as a close contact, Public Health will communicate with you directly. If Public […]

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Lieutenant Governor’s Respectful Citizenship Award

Nominations for the 2021 Lieutenant Governor’s Respectful Citizenship Award have been extended to May 25, 2021. This award recognizes students who’ve developed a project or activity that shows leadership and dedication to creating safe and inclusive spaces. Please consider nominating one of our exceptional students! To be nominated, youth must be a registered student in […]

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Shift to At-Home Learning

Update for April 27, 2021 Dear families, Today, the province made an announcement that all schools in Nova Scotia are moving to at-home learning for a period of at least two weeks. An update will be provided to families by May 12, 2021. Schools will close to students at the end of day today (Tuesday, […]

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