News & Events

South Shore School Food Project

RootED School Food Project Volunteers Needed! RootED is made up of a group of volunteers who are currently recruiting additional members who have a specific interest in fundraising to support healthy food and equipment in schools. If you are interested in joining RootED’s Board of Directors, please contact Meg Sawler (, Shelley Moran (, or […]

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2019 SSRCE Concours d’art Oratoire Medallists

The Concours d’art oratoire is a national French public speaking competition that takes place each spring across the country. Students present first at their school level, and then move up to compete at the provincial and national levels. Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia has been organizing and hosting the provincial competition for thirty-six years. The provincial Concours d’art oratoire was […]

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Pre-Primary Orientation

Orientation for 2019-2020 Pre-Primary classes will be held in the coming weeks. To register your child in Pre-Primary and/or to register your family to come to orientation, please visit the school in your catchment area.   For general Pre-Primary information, click here.  

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Student Blog – Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

“It’s in our nature to mourn when we see history lost – but it’s also in our nature to rebuild for tomorrow, as strong as we can.” – Barack Obama    On April 15th, the world lost over 850 years of French history in less than 24 hours. Paris’ beloved Notre Dame Cathedral, “Our Lady Paris,” […]

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Regional Executive Director’s Report – April 2019

Hello, Bonjour and Kwe’, My Regional Executive Director’s Report for April takes a look at some of the events and educational experiences that happened in our region this past month. Highlights Include: The Story of how North Queens Community School Students Honour Missing and Murdered In Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) with a Red Dress […]

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