News & Events

Power Outage Updates – Oct. 16

There are some power issues in Lunenburg County this morning and we are monitoring the situation. Bluenose Academy – power is back on and school is resuming. If your child is at home please send them to the school. Bayview Community School – power is back on and school is resuming. Buses will pick up students one […]

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October 2018 – Regional Executive Director’s Report

Hello, Bonjour and Kwe’, In working towards our goal of increased regional communication a monthly news report will be sent out through the school year to keep you up to date with what is happening at the South Shore Regional Centre for Education and our schools. Here is October’s report. I hope you enjoy it. […]

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Free Youth Programs in Lunenburg

The Second Story Women’s Centre is offering free programs for youth in the Lunenburg area. Part of their commitment is to encourage empowered, strong and connected female/gender-oppressed youth, through community connection. They are also in search of volunteers and mentors. For more information on these programs or volunteer and mentorship opportunities, please click the below posters. The Girls’ […]

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